Customer Dashboard

Customers of ACGI wanted a way to get information fast. Using the D3 library, and starting small; membership, accounting, events and certification dashboards were released. These dashboards used simple and interactive data visualization to give users a quick glimpse at and comparison of some of their most important data.

As dashboards were released and new data was introduced, design standards were reviewed and modified to better support our content.

acgi software

wireframing + documentation + copywriting + motion graphics +
illustration + prototyping + interface design + qa testing

Wireframe Sketches

Starting, the layout was very rigid and pixel based so all widgets would align. However we soon released that was limiting to the content and design. So a more flexible and responsive masonry style was implemented.

Loading screens and error messaging were also implemented to help ease user confusion regarding slower loading times from data heavy widgets, and missing content when data was not available.

Accounting Dashboard
Dashboard Messaging
Loading Animation

As the dashboards were released and feedback was gathered, we began making the dashboards more customizable.

Widgets could be moved, removed, and added with a simple configuration tool.

Configuration Flow
Configuration Animation
Wireframe Sketches
Configuration Design